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Enterprise training materials: 8 pieces of advice for newly promoted managers, etc Update time:2020-11-11     :Views
If you do a good job, you will be promoted and reused in a result oriented company, from just managing yourself to managing several people, from managing several people to managing many people, from managing one department to managing multiple departments, and even managing the whole company one day.

  Eight Tips for new promotion managers

  ——Song Xinyu

  If you do a good job, you will be promoted and reused in a result oriented company, from just managing yourself to managing several people, from managing several people to managing many people, from managing one department to managing multiple departments, and even managing the whole company one day.

  The most difficult period for many managers who have just been promoted is the adjustment period of 2-3 months after promotion. The most difficult thing to adapt to during the adjustment period is to reposition the old colleagues, old leaders and the relationship between the department leaders who originally took charge of you. Many managers have a strong ability to do things well, but not very able to deal with this changed interpersonal relationship, which leads to the passive work. The special topic of this issue is to discuss how to solve this problem. I believe these articles can help you.

  As a former employee of the workplace, I have experienced many promotions and problems brought about by promotion, from managing a project to managing a project team, from managing a project team to managing an office, and finally to managing a company. In this process, I have also made many mistakes. I have rigidly established the relationship with some old colleagues, and made it difficult for colleagues, myself and superiors. Here, I sum up my experience as "8 pieces of advice for new promotion managers", hoping to be helpful for your career development.

  1、 Don't be proud and arrogant because of promotion. If you stand out from a group of people, there are often people who are unconvinced and think it's unfair. If you show your new status with a high profile, you can only deepen the dissatisfaction and resentment of these people, which will make your work in the future very difficult.

  2、 The right attitude should be humility and gratitude. Tell old colleagues and leaders that it is their help and support that you have made some achievements. Tell them that you are not sure how to do the new job well. Ask them to continue to help and support you.

  3、 Take the time to communicate and connect with old colleagues, leaders and subordinates, instead of focusing on what you like to do. The biggest difference between management and doing things by yourself is that other people join in. The key to management is to deal with interpersonal relationship. To establish good interpersonal relationship, you need to put your heart and time into it.

  4、 Never do something that is clearly wrong because of the importance of interpersonal relationship. For example, when a former peer, the current subordinate, clearly does not follow the company's system, but you turn a blind eye to please him. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. With the first person, there will be a second person. It's going to be hard for you to manage these people. We must adhere to the correct way, but the way of communication should be acceptable. Only the communication accepted by the other party is successful communication.

  5、 Don't deliberately distort yourself and do what you don't want to do. A good way is to "behave according to the nature and act according to the role." If you're not a sociable person, it doesn't stop you from being a good manager. The key is to communicate sincerely.

  6、 Don't be afraid to make mistakes, including in interpersonal relationships. Don't avoid conflicts, including interpersonal conflicts. The key is to know what is wrong and to correct it. The key is to admit your mistakes frankly. There is an old Chinese saying that "no fight, no acquaintance". One's management ability is improved in the process of making mistakes and correcting mistakes. Friendship with others is often established in conflicts.

  7、 More than before to do their own management in place, to achieve the goals set by the company. There are expectations from the top to the bottom for those who have just been promoted. Only by doing their own things well can we finally convince the public. The purpose of dealing with interpersonal relationship is to achieve the goal of work better.

  8、 We should learn the essence of management as soon as possible. It's about working with the people you manage to achieve common goals, rather than doing everything yourself. This is the so-called authorization and management after authorization, which is another problem that managers after promotion are most difficult to adapt to.

  You sell yourself every day

  ——Mao Lixiang

  We sell our products every day, and in fact we sell ourselves all the time. Let me give you a few examples.

  There was a minister who went to work the earliest and left work at the latest every day. He seriously dealt with his daily work within 8 hours without leaving home. He is responsible for the management of the issue seriously and does things fairly. When someone makes a private call, he immediately looks for a conversation and does ideological work. When someone was late, he criticized without mercy and deducted the assessment salary. His staff got sick, and he went to see him enthusiastically. When his subordinates have difficulties in their work, he helps them with all his strength; if there is any problem in their thinking, he will talk to each other individually, explain them with reason and move them with emotion. Therefore, he has high prestige in the Department, and everyone says he is a good minister.

  Another example is a minister of an enterprise. He's three minutes late for work in the morning, and he's still biting on the dough sticks. After eating a cup of tea, began to talk, last night's luck is really bad, lost 100 yuan money, really gloomy! You said, he said, half an hour later, slowly began the day's work. In this way, the minister "promoted" himself through his own advertisement. As a result, he had low prestige and was soon removed from his post.

  Some people will say that, as you say, it is more difficult to be a minister than a mayor. no

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