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Regular maintenance of enterprises Update time:2020-11-11     :Views
Every other year or half a year, review and prospect the performance of the whole company. How are the goals achieved? What's the difference from expectation? What's the reason? Take stock of the company's various systems (structures)

  First, the annual meeting of company management

  Every other year or half a year, review and prospect the performance of the whole company. How are the goals achieved? What's the difference from expectation? What's the reason? Take stock of the company's various systems (structures), including marketing system, operation system, financial system, human resources system, strategic system, R & D system, etc., to see which system problems, which parts need to be strengthened, what are the reasons for not completing the task, how to play advantages and avoid disadvantages, and re verify the development strategy and objectives of the enterprise to make "automobile" Run faster and smoother

  Second, incentives, gas stations

  Take time every year to arrange the middle and high-level or core employees to travel, so that the work can be relaxed and not nervous. It is very important to take a proper rest. Add "oil" or organize the activities of enterprise culture cohesion. People will be tired. Whether it is the management or the staff, it is necessary to fix up regularly. It is necessary to consolidate morale, invigorate relations, strengthen communication and increase internal centripetal Force

  Third, charging training and learning

  It is necessary to make annual training plan, carry out training and learning in all aspects, including levels, posts and functions, around the strategic objectives of enterprise development, to provide employees with skills, methods, tools and other aspects of support to complete various indicators. Regular or irregular, short-term and semi off job training is very necessary

  Fourth, regular inventory of human resources and replacement of "vulnerable parts"

  According to the industry characteristics of their own enterprises, regular or irregular recruitment of new employees, input fresh blood, survival of the fittest, maintain normal flow, too strong or no flow is not a good thing, can add new vitality to the company. Regular "maintenance" needs methods, tools and oil, according to the actual situation of the enterprise flexible control, as if The chopper needs to be polished frequently. Make the knife sharper and make the "car" run faster, safer and more durable

Contact us

Address: West District, industrial park, Suncun Town, Fanchang County, Wuhu City

Postcode: 241206

Tel: 7258807 7259077 7258090

Fax: 7259000


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